Meghan Hill » 2021-2022 First Grade Supply List

2021-2022 First Grade Supply List


First Grade Supply List 2021-2022

#2 pencils- yellow, sharpened (10)

24-count crayons (2 boxes)

Scissors - please purchase left handed scissors if you child is left handed.

K-2 composition notebooks- should have the illustration area at the top and primary writing lines below (2 total)

Folders with pockets and prongs (3) red, green, blue

Traditional size and style plastic container for supplies (pencil box)


Traditional size container of playdough - any color (1)


Backpack (standard size, no wheels)


box of tissues (1)

1/2 inch 3-ring binder with clear plastic covers and inside pockets (2)


large pink pearl erasers (2)

Highlighters – slim style, any colors (4)

black dry erase markers- (4)


Headphones (no earbuds)

Clipboard- basic flat style


8-count watercolor paints (1)


Please write your child’s name on crayon and colored pencil boxes, scissors, clipboard, folders, headphones, and whiteboard.


Wish List Items:  (the 1st two items will be used regularly)


1 personal size dry erase whiteboard (close to 9”x12” size)

2 boxes of 12 count colored pencils—we will use these everyday

2 additional boxes of 24-count crayons (firsties use LOTS of crayons)

Individually wrapped candy (Dumb Dumbs, Twizzlers, Smarties, Starburst, etc.)

Large bags of plain M&M’s

Disinfectant wipes

Ziploc baggies- gallon size

Small treasure box items